Sunday, May 20, 2007

Transitioning Souls

Isobel incarnated to help dissolve negative
human ideas surrounding gender issues
Most people don't realize that our very rich and vast meta-physical hertitage is the actual esoteric foundation that inspired the entire holistic/alternative healing industry we currently entertain ourselves with. In fact, the metaphysical history behind this holistic shift is still so hidden that the majority of people will walk into a spa tomorrow and purchase salt crystals in pretty packages without putting a single thought to the behind-the-scenes metaphysical research that spurned such a rapidly explosive new age product industry.  What has shifted our packaging and retail industry so dramatically in the past decade? What has caused pharmaceutical companies race to shift to holistic and organically made nutraceuticals? Was it just simply natural product evolvement or might there be something far more rich and exciting backing the industry of essential oils, all natural bath products and organic yogawear? Well here are a few really neat meta facts about what has caused the shift that you won't see printed on the packaging. Underscoring the final product is an industry informally called meta-science. It doesn't have it's roots in standard and formally recognized societal structures, yet it is a very powerful and globally active industry. Metaphysical researchers and psychic scientists over the past few decades have pieced together many factions of our very rich galactic heritage as bio-energetic and intelligent light-based souls. Our entire physical body system is actually composed of etheric layers of intelligently arranged light fields that each have an intricate role in the maintanence and functioning of our denser physical organs. In the deep study of our intelligent and esoteric bodies (our unseen components), meta-scientists have learned much about our very intimate and bio-energetic cosmic connection to the entire planet's eco system. Every single holistic/organic and herbal supplement found on the market today is an end product of metaphysical research. Why aren't we taught that?
More conscious than most humans
Native American 'Red' incarnated to heal
the grounds of his ancestors

Psychic research by it's very nature over the centuries has held a rather shadowy cast to its more fascinating revealings for variable reasons; but mainly because to involve oneself in psychic research or activity means that one must be prepared to shift or change one's consciousness. As consciousness expands and grows, the outer reality or lifestyle MUST change in accordance with the shifting consciousness that runs all throughout the physical body. As the light fields become higher in vibration, they are able to hold more light within the etheric form that surrounds and permeates the body. The organs in turn begin to cleanse themselves and become healthier - fed by an ample instreaming of consistent intelligent light particles. Our cells are intelligent and know what to do to naturally cleanse and heal themselves. But when we spend years eating toxic foods that deplete our minerals and clog the cells, they begin to become trained to 'die' instead of 'to live and be healthy'. Diseases such as cancer are a product of sluggish organs that have aquired so much dirt and debris that the actual cells begin to die and rot. No doctor who has operated on a cancer patient will tell you that the diseased organs they have just extracted smell like roses. Where does psychic research fall into the scheme of things? How does our meta-heritage connect to the holistic movement? Since up to these times, invasive medical procedures were necessary to save lives, holistic measures were not fully researched or accepted as viable healing agents for the physical body up until a few decades ago. As it takes time for a body to aquire and manifest disease, herbs take a certain amount of time to dissolve toxins long built up in the cellular structure. Operating to remove a diseased body part often seems a much safer manner to quickly extract a symptom of disease. Let's face it, when one learns one has cancer, more often than not the immediate thought is to 'get it out' as quickly as possible. Most people do not want to examine their lifetyles to see what it is they themselves have done habitually to 'create' a diseased condition.

Sufi's soul incarnated to
usher in more
Unity Consciousness
As we collectively grow in consciousness however, and globally share our findings, we are enlightened to the many ways we can prevent such diseases from fully manifesting, even if we have a predisposition to a certain diseases. The mass flocking of people to practices such as Yoga and Meditation are all about the widespread understanding that we lead extremely chaotic and stressful lives, which is a product of our past teachings manifesting as habitually irratic lifestyle behaviors. The mass movement to help one another slow down stems from a psychic/metaphysical investigation of what the soul actually is. There is significant merit to the psychic field of research, if one can get past the hocus pocus and surface world applications of 'the psychic industry' that really have nothing to do with real and authentic psychic research. Why does psychic research still have such a bad rap? In centuries of old many (who felt safe and protected within highly structured and stable societal roles where natural and progresive changes in lifestyle moved at a much slower rate), feared psychic activity because they innately knew that the old structure would break apart with the acceptance of newer and expanded information. Many at those times, did not want to experience such dramatic changes because change always involks feelings of fear. The unknown is a fearful thing for many humans who scramble much of their lives to 'feel safe' in what seems a very unsafe and chaotic world. The only difference between then and now is the extreme capabilities we presently have to share and exchange information globally. Now-a-days we can compare notes with amazing speed. We can cross reference from many different sources. We can debate with others around the world from home computer stations. None of these advantages were available centuries ago. Yet psychic research still remains such a great mystery. Thanks most especially to the past two decades of metaphysical researchers and gifted psychics, a whole new educative structure has finally emerged and is now being taught at many re-structured healing schools and institutions around the world. This new educative structure now includes many bio-logical and bio-chemical lessons that old school teachings omitted for centuries. With the new and expanded information, we begin to see our bodies in a very different light. As meta-scientists begin to mentally connect the bio-energetic and unseen components of our physical bodies and equate them to the vibrational properties found in all of nature, an amazing 'awakening' happens. Suddenly we see that we are not just human bodies floating about in a chaotic and uncontrollable world, but that we are a very intrinsic and significant, energetic component necessary to the balance of planet's eco system and that our consciousness and behavioral activities actually help to 'co-create' world conditions - good or bad. The holistic movement and mass flocking toward organic and herbal goods is merely the surface world manifesation of our very deeply rooted planetary heritage. Think about that next time you buy a holistic product.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Starkitty Interspecies Communication Project

The Starkitty Global Research Project is an investigative psychic communication & data retrieval project that humbly and privately began with two very special felines over 18+ years ago. It has expanded to now include several global communicators, holistic & homeopathic vets, shamen, energy healers and psychic children.

Animals that have directly and actively now participated in the Starkitty Project include; feral cats, dogs, squirrels, birds, mice, fish, raccoons, bats, horses, sea turtles, dolphins and manta rays. Non physical participants include; the angelic realm, beings from other star systems, entities of our known ancient past civilizations such as Egypt and Atlantis, Gaia and all her elements, such as Water Consciousness, Crystals, Trees & even Dinosaur & Dragon Consciousness.

The astounding information brought through by the animals via this research is sufficient enough now to MORE THAN adequately help humans to better understand their natural and divine psychic gifts and direct energetic connection to all species existant on planet Earth. Our website journals the voices of all of these beings and aspects of consciousness and endeavors to help humans to understand with absolute clarity, how their everyday thoughts, voices and actions either help harmonize the planet, or serve to keep it in chaos and eco-disarray.

If you ever wanted to know how animal communicators actually 'hear' the voices of the animals or you've always wanted to understand how the psychic data retrieval process really works, we are here to help educate you. Our galactic heritage and connection to the Universe is much simpler to understand than most think.

An enormous amount of psychic research and information is now available for anyone who wants to learn about it. 20 years ago this wasn't exactly so. But in the last two decades a hastening of the normally meticulous and slow process of collating data was encouraged by the internet explosion. Gifted healers, psychics and scientific researchers wer able to begin to share data and some of the information that has emerged has totally reshaped human perception regarding how the world actually works. This information is now finally available to the public.

If you feel you have valuable information or research to add to our project, please join us in our educative mission by contacting us at ask @ We would be happy to review your work/material/website and add it to our psychic science, holistic healing & meta-investigation resource lists.

For more education and resources, be sure to tap our sister sites,,

Monday, March 26, 2007

Meta Investigation Of The Love Frequency

How does love transform us? Why is it so difficult to express? How does it heal human lives? Why do we all constantly crave it?

Love Is An Invisible, Intelligent
Cosmic Vibrational Energy
That Shifts Human Consciousness

Love is such a misunderstood property of life that many people can only partially interpret how it works to shift circumstances in our everyday lives. Yet emerging from Global Metaphysical research communities are very important keys to understanding just how our souls are connected to our lives and how our lives are dependant on love frequencies for our very growth in consciousness.

We are now just barely beginning to understand exactly how love as an invisible property of life, actually feeds the human soul and assists in its entire development.

Love exists as a frequency of music and light. It invisibly carries information about our souls throughout the universe and is our connection to all that exists. When our physical cells hold more of that frequency or light, those cells function at a much more intelligent level of awareness. The entire body changes and the behaviors of an individual also change. The soul changes and becomes more 'light'.

We have become so deprogrammed from sourcing and balancing this intangible aspect of life sustaining energy from within our bodies that the word 'love' itself causes many dimensions of human misunderstanding. Metaphysically investigating the human energy system enables us to see just what emotion-based thought is and how such thoughts compel us to behave in distorted or unloving ways.

For our societal growth, it is extremely important for each of us to be able to understand just how profound and life changing a tool love energy is when channeled correctly through our bodies. More importantly, understanding how these energies work within our individual bodies helps us to understand why our societies are so disrupt and disharmonious.
Presently our global educative system lacks sustenance training for the emotional portion of the human soul. It is this portion of the human body system that seeks eternal connection by exercising behavioral love and unity with others. Emotional energy like all other known life properties is an invisible life support system of mathematically coded vibratory frequencies. What we emit and exchange from our bodies carries significant life building energies.

Our educative systems fall severely short in the area of teaching us how light (color) and vibration (sound) actually form our physical world and how love (cohesive energy) holds it all together. As a result we've lost our ability to see one another in our truer forms as light beings. We have forgotten not only the value of the energetic and emotional influences we have upon one another we've completely misunderstood how these human energies actually create our world events.

When it comes to remembering how to decipher the vibrational human consciousness that each human emits, we are completely lost. At best we tune into the vibe of a room and realize that something is vaguely amiss but can't figure out who is emitting what and who is out of balance unless we talk to one another. Consequently and as a result of our disconnected state to vibrational love frequencies we have created multiple societies that greatly stifle our natural and spontaneous expressions of emotion-based creativity. We witness this distortion of pure love energy as worldwide suffering, human corruption or animal terror.

There are so many little ways in which the systems we live in crush the creative expression and natural growth of souls, which is a divine right given to each of us at birth to experience. To understand ourselves as creative light beings we need to understand first just how we are created from light. It is THE KEY to understanding our individuated soul purpose, our psychic senses, our ability to love and our responsibility in terms of co-creating peaceful co-existence amongst all human races.

Part of this long term research in psychic drawn data retrieval is designed to bring into daily human reality grander metaphysical concepts so that anyone who desires to know can access these concepts and begin to release themselves from the darker aspects of their lives should they so choose to evolve beyond the beliefs they presently live by.
Bringing to light the profound value of metaphysical information gives us the tools to permanently dissolve the emotional bondage we call human suffering. This is not merely a utopist notion. It is in fact the profound cosmic foundation that underscores our entire surface world reality.

Hiding from our frailties and mistakes is not the answer. Opening to greater, more expanded truth is. And tapping soul knowledge is the key to our healing as a race. Psychic Science is the very path in which many have endeavored to investigate the creation and evolvement of the human soul. It is a fascinating field of research and all throughout our website we share with you some of the more profound discoveries in this field.

We are all psychic. We all possess far greater talent than we consciously utilize. Metaphysical education enables each individual the ability to see just how their very thoughts and actions create the reality they physically and emotionally face each day of their lives. When it all boils down to it most human beings simply care about their basic momentary needs. Love is the root urge from which each of us ultimately creates in life. Lack of it, loss of it, need of it and desire for it are all soul callings each of us feels within. It is part of us. It flows through us. We are made from it and therefore, it IS us.

For more education and resources, be sure to tap our sister sites,,

Monday, February 26, 2007

Psychic Ability & Connecting It To You!

IN the last two decades, a literal flood of inter-related metaphysical subjects began to dominate bookshelves across the globe. In the past decade the internet has enabled this information to become global fact. Prior to the sudden instreaming of meta-info via authors daring enough to put the info out there when it WASN'T POPULAR, there simply were no standardized public educative systems available to make the psychic retrieval /exchange process easily or generally understood.

One of the main reasons it is so difficult to understand the complete picture of our intangible Universe is that until just recently, psychic-culled information had not fully emerged enough for researchers to be able to create ‘comprehendible teaching systems’ for the wide dissemination of such information.

In our present day global educative structure, in order for pioneers and researchers to teach the masses new concepts in living, a teaching formula or educative structure must first be created. Educative structures can’t fully manifest within society until they have been somewhat ‘physically tested’ because mass humanity at present, (with exception to faith type believers) perceptually only accepts our living reality via ‘physical proof’ of it.

This presents a problem when dealing with educatively disseminating the esoteric and intangible properties of life. The dualistic nature of human perception automatically and without hesitation, flips intangible research into a general bin called ‘faith studies’. This unconscious and automatic habit of humanity to ignore the profound significance of its meta-physical history restricts further metaphysical research from fully merging into our mass consciousness.

The Metaphysical field of research and the psychic data retrieval process takes time, as well as an enormous degree of meticulous care that must be applied to such research in order to keep it perceptually ‘pure and integral’ in content. Such information must be kept free of duality biased, linear human mind if such structures are to ultimately and effectively hold up as a proposed basis of unified ‘living-reality’ in our society. To apply dualistic perception to the equation of ‘the great mystery’ simply dilutes multi-dimensional information and twists it into limiting concepts that keeps humanity bound to the repetitive dualistic behavior it now practices.

In laymen’s terms, humans practice dualistic behaviors such as love/hate, giving/stealing or pushing/pulling, which are all dualistic perceptions of our reality. We internally believe these concepts are the very basis for creative life and therefore, we continue to manifest from within, such beliefs. These beliefs are then acted out upon one another and hence, we each have a hand in keeping our world bound to a dualistic reality when we are in actuality, unified creatures bound by a unified and energetically cohesive Universe.

Each of us functions from this invisible energetic place of being ness first. The energy of the Universe is part of us and is what we are all energetically connected to. Many people call this God. Whatever we choose to call it and however each of us perceives it, it is the origin point of our innate psychic sensing abilities. Our entire physical reality is first formed from this energy place that we are all designed of and connected to. It’s why psychic researchers can now strongly state that each one of us has some level of psychic talent or sensing.

Long term metaphysical research has brought forth a mountainous heap of psychic retrieved information from all over the globe that simply cannot have been orchestrated nor manipulated by any one singular human created entity. No human created company, powerhouse, financial institution or political body has been able to contain the ‘simultaneous process ’of millions of humans who are naturally evolving and opening up to accept and activate their divine psychic heritage. Psychic gifting is merely an innate basket of multi-sensory gifts given to us by our very heritage as universal inhabitants and co-creating souls.

All of us have some psychic ability, whether we actively choose to acknowledge it or not. We can’t as easily see energy as we can emotionally detect it. We can all feel a bad vibe in a room, but can’t always see the vibe visually. But our societally accepted educative structures have omitted lessons on how intuition and psychic sensing through the use of all five of our senses creates a whole picture of our living reality. As long as we close off ‘heart sensing’ for instance, and rely mainly on visual / brain sensing, we will continue to create from a place of only one of five main sensory tools we possess.

How does ignoring the other four main senses help to keep our physical reality in a state of ecological, spiritual and emotional ‘imbalance’? These senses are the only five we recognize and acknowledge. What about all of the other sensing tools we possess that lay dormant? How do we properly integrate senses; such as having premonitions, déjà vu, and simultaneous thought with our friends and family members, into societally accepted activity?

In days of past, psychic intuits and researchers spent most their time simply culling, collecting and translating the data they received. This process was secretive by nature because it was not a publicly acceptable activity of the times. It was painstakingly culled by individuals who followed soul impulse to seek more than what they’d been initially taught about life. Without human and animal pioneers, the world does not evolve. In days of past, there were no grand rewards appointed to one for doing this work. We don’t see too many authentic psychic researchers gifted with huge monetary rewards throughout our history, in comparison to the ‘celebrity reality’ where most humans who have done nothing significant for humanity, have been granted more than ample monies or instant recognition via a reality TV show of late.

Since it takes years for our general world scientists and pharmacologists in their corporate labs to find microscopic cures for our diseases, why do we not allow the ‘same space and time’ for a similar scientific process to be applied to the field of metaphysics and psychic research? The answer is very simple.

Human consciousness of the masses is not yet ready to fully accept the responsibility of being co-creative life stewards for the planet or its creatures. Humanity for the most part, still revels in its babyhood. It wants what it wants when it wants it and this needy behavior reflected by billions of individuated human ‘beings’ has nothing to do with unified consciousness or evolved spiritual behavior. Those billions of beings, acting cohesively in dualistic and linear minded ways, keep the world at stasis and at a plateau of non-development. Growth and evolvement are then left to the consciousness of the planet and its animal species, along with a few million pioneering human souls who remain consistently ‘aware’ of their connectedness to all that exists. In the meantime, billions of human babies play ignorantly in a perceptual sandbox with high walls that prevent most of them from seeing and perceiving beyond what lies immediately in front of them.

Where does each of you register in the sea of human consciousness? Do you upon waking, think immediately of societal issues, humanitarian projects or assisting the plant and animal kingdoms or do you immediately focus on the bills, getting the kids off to school and getting through ‘the job’ for the week so you can spend your money on the weekend? What have each of you focused your internal thoughts upon? How do your internal thoughts keep you bound to limited human sandbox reality and away from true, full life co-creatorship with the planet & its many consciously aware creatures?

Chances are strong that if you made it through this article, you are of pioneer nature or are at least seeking a grander life experience and are not satisfied with all you have been taught by other humans. Chances are, you are a mission soul who has purposefully chosen to assist humanity in its growth in consciousness.

At this time in human history, there are millions of awakening souls presently and internally working to ‘activate’ this psychic intuitive knowledge within. The mass flocking to yoga and meditative retreats is part of an aspect of mass human consciousness that desires to grow and accept new responsibilities. Concepts of co-creatorship are beginning to take hold in the minds of many of these souls. These souls in turn, are beginning to act behaviorally, in more unified ways. They are setting the new educative course for the masses to one day follow.

It is up to each individual to go within, retrieve the special knowledge it retains and bring it forth into the world to share with others. Pioneering amongst a mass mind that fancies instant celebrity minus demonstration of humanitarian leadership or educative value, and favors financial gain over integral service to others is a difficult task at present. But in time, pioneers will begin to see a shift occur and ultimately mass receptivity to psychic reality and co-creator responsibility will become the norm. Until then, pioneers are required to toe the mark without much accolade and applause. But then, that’s what they initially intuited they’d be required to do!

Each of us makes a choice in this world to either consciously behave in unified ways, or unconsciously act out old dualistic minded training that reflects aspects not only the light of life, but also activates aspects of our darker sides. Each of us is being required to go within and reflect on all of our actions toward others we’ve met and interacted with in our lives. Many are beginning to examine habitual patterning and energetic or emotional urges that seem impossible to ‘self’ control. Where are these seemingly destructive behaviors coming from? How do we as stewards of energy of the Universe balance destructive energies with the light so that our daily living experience reflects a balanced walk in-between the two? This is the true leadership challenge of the psychics, the pioneers and the newly awakening. Where does your soul fit into the mix?

Mass human consciousness has many vibrational layers of ‘awareness’ and ‘non-awareness’ functioning within it. The many interacting layers of the dualistic & energetic holding patterns that are deeply exercised at this time are what keep our physical reality bound to a non-harmonious experience. Human evolvement is an extremely slow process. Each soul is responsible for thought, word and deed and each thought word and deed a soul emits has direct energetic co-creative impact on the physical manifestation of our ‘living reality’. Psychic ability belongs to each human being existent on planet Earth at this time. It is an inherent aspect of our energetic connectedness and being hood. It belongs to us and is part of all of us.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Intro To My Work

Welcome to a unique journey through the field of meta-physical research. This is my personal log for those who desire to witness the process of human evolution thru the eyes of one very inquisitive minded soul. I invite those so impulsed to add their wisdom as I continue to explore. ay we collectively re-create an ecologically fair and vibrationally sound planetary realm for all who inhabit it.'
SO WHO WANTS TO KNOW? I've spent most of my life compelled by an unknown force within, to seek that which lies beyond normal boundaries of societally perceived 'human reality'. There are many others like me and yet on a planet of over 7 billion individuated souls, relatively speaking, we meta-seekers actually add up to an insignificant number of 'very few'. Hmmmmm. Why's that, I've often pondered? It's taken me years to mentally grasp with certain wholeness, the 'concept of perfection' of the Universe, which gives equal validity to those who don't care about the planet and don't desire to know more about our 'evolvement process'. Now that I think I've got a loose handle on it all, I am no longer distracted by dualistic ideas regarding this mixed bag of consciousness called 'Humanity'. I'm pretty accepting of the fact that only a few people like me NEED to know in order to be happy. Out of 7 billion presently active souls, only a mere few million have any desire to understand the path of evolving human consciousness. The rest, simply play happily with what is physically at hand and presently before them. Over the years of deep research in all things meta-physical, I've come to accept that this is really OK. I do what I do and everyone else does what they do and somehow our world is how it is, in the present moment. We all get to witness what it is reflecting back to us and voice opinion as to how it directly affects us. Somehow in the midst, we all evolve. Through the exploration of meta-science, dedicated human researchers have actually broken some of the code of the 'Great Mystery' ...and WOW, do we humans have a great history and even greater connection to 'all that exists' than we realize! For those of us who have stood on the edge of Epistemological pursuits peering into infinity, a profound joy of the discovery of our innate power as co-creative beings, permeates the heart. I explore metaphysical reality because it is an indominatable resource of HOPE for all human souls who face any kind of personal adversity of any type or situational condition that causes one to experience or endure suffering and PAIN. I've spent nearly 25+ years scientifically and experientially seeking all that spoke to me from the ethereal and mystical planes of our existence. It was a journey that began in childhood via psychic related experiences that grew stronger and stronger all through adulthood. Presently, there are many young souls out there who are also psychically enhanced, more so than their parents or older generations. Many of them are so ethereally sensitive, that they must daily endeavor to process a consistent and extreme overload of emotional feelings that waft through their bodies, with no coaching from the elders as to how to manage these incoming energies, or decipher where they are all coming in from.  Most present day educative systems completely dismiss our psychic heritage and the ones that are beginning to teach it are not logistically set in place enough globally for all of the masses to simultaneously benefit. While in the past 20 years, fantastic New Thought Institutions and schools have emerged, many of these facilities remain too far apart locationally for enough people to get the education they need. Those lucky enough to attend will be the new leaders of our societies one day for they are learning about our organic heritage and our natural bio-energetic roots to planet Earth. They are learning to harness the innate psychic talent each of us posseses by understanding how to conceptually manage the divine heritage of 'being a bio-energetic light-based human'. Yes, it can tend to sound very hocus pocus like at first, but that simply indicates that 'not enough building block' information has been set in place to help people make the mental and conceptual connections they need to make individually, in order for some of this stuff to make logical sense to them and their daily reality. The process is unfolding, but it goes slow. The rest of the education falls to the individual soul. This is where each of us can do a small part in sharing the knowledge that is slowly rising into mass consciousness. It can't be contained by any one institution, nor can it be owned by any ONE because it is information that belongs to each one of us. My work may be small and insignificant in terms of what most people focus on these days, but that's ok. Each human has a piece of the puzzle. I'm confident the other pieces will lock into place when the time is right. For now, I simply continue to explore and share.

For more education and resources, be sure to tap our sister sites, and