Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Crash of a Dream

It was more my dream for Harry than perhaps it was his, so maybe the shift was harder on me. But we were co-designing a project together via animal communication and then suddenly, I was devastated. Just plain devastated. I never saw it coming. Perhaps I misunderstood the complexity of Harry's physical condition. But September and October was a time period that would very suddenly challenge and even threaten the Starkitty Project. Though through great loss and tremendous upset we are still here, I still grapple with the irony of it all. Prince Harry from Sirius B, yet another dog spirit in cat body, died suddenly in my arms from a heart attack. It was as swift a crossing as Sweet Pea's was, which was a passing that had leveled me for quite a bit of time. The absolute stun of any sudden crossing is a most uncomfortable experience. While there are gifts always in losses, this forced parting from Harry couldn't have come at a worst time. And I still don't see the gift in it quite fully yet - though the animals have given me Psy data to sooth my perceived loss.
Harry, since birth was special. Born with virtually no front paws, Harry was in training to be a therapy kitty. He went shopping at stores, swam in the tub, skittered about the house with the ease of any normal healthy kitten. Everyone who saw him fell instantly in love with him. ALL of the Starkittys at the Starkitty Ranch loved Harry. He'd been gifted with a veterinarian's dedicated service to him the first four months of his life, as his feet and elbows were constantly bound to give him opportunity for proper leg movement. He spent his first few months between Dr. Ellen and Diane's house, a local rehabber who helped to transport him for his bi-weekly visits to the vet. While a heart murmur had been detected and a warning was given that as he got older he may encounter more troublesome heart problems - every outward sign from Harry was a picture of pure health and he was still, so young! At a year and half, he stood up on his hind legs all the time and had amazing agility despite the few nubbed toes he had. He often raced around the house, and his zest for life may have been ultimately too much for the damaged heart he was born with.

Eager to partake in the very first publicly 'formal human honoring' of service dogs of America, in early September I'd crammed in on top of my two jobs, two additional events - one which was set to take place in LA. It was a chaotic and highly stressful time and just prior to the big rollout, I'd very suddenly experienced chest pains that told me unequivocably - to SLOW DOWN. Amidst emergency tests for a stress related heart problem, I was jamming in yet two more big events on top of a heavy two job workload. Maintaining the Starkitty ranch is a job in itself. And no one pays me to do that! Very suddely, Mama Kitty's foot needed attention. Long running legal issues regarding my home morgage issue kicked up. Hurricane Irene hit. The crew brought in fleas from the outdoor kennel and I was literally beseiged with way more on my plate than I could handle. But what do you do when a storm rolls in but try to bunker down and get thru it? And so I did - until the very night Harry died in my arms. For several weeks I battled the anger of my choice to pile on, of all things, a series of outside 'service dog events' when my very own 'therapy kitty in training' was apparently dying right before my own eyes. What had I missed in the days preceding? How could I not perceive Harry was in trouble? Wtih all of my psy skills I've always found it ironic that the most obvious things - those things that hover right under one's nose - are the very hardest to detect. I am saving his full story for the book. Because when it was explained what he did as he crossed - I can only give hint that it actually saved my life. And yes, I have communicated with Harry from beyond. He is currently in an ethereal training camp of sorts, learning how to be of even better service to humanity, before he reincarnates again. And I laugh at Harry's description of his ethereal life now because he was a STELLAR healing kitty, just as he was! I did for several weeks, feel Harry's presence right there in my heart - in a way that cannot easily be expained.
My dream for my life with Harry in the physical body he once had has crashed big time but the felines are Psy educating me that there's more to the picture, and they have urged me not to throw away Harry's gift to me with thoughts of regret. It was his conscious choice to offer me a gift thru his death he says. He told me that when I'd laid hands on him to heal him out of heart trauma he was able to see directly into my own heart - and that's where he made a split second decision to lift pressure off my ailing heart and take it with him. I cried for days upon hearing that. Harry's happy now he says. But in all honesty I still, am not.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Opportunity Abounds

Many people don't know that I juggle alot of jobs in order to sustain the Starkitty Project on a physical level, besides spearheading the esoteric Psy Data Retrieval Research work, which is constantly evolving. In 3D human world doings, those in the animal rescue industry know that healing injured and abandoned pets is unrelenting, extremely costly and exhausting work that never has an end, in an industry that never seems to evolve either. The general public is, well, generally CLUELESS as to the enormity of animal suffering that exists. You don't see many celebrities, politicians, doctors, lawyers or bankers up to their knees in animal care, handling diseased and emotionally broken felines and canines, or for that matter, sitting countless hours holding and comforting a feline amputee case overnight in attempt to help it overcome a major car hit. Delivering love frequency on a bio-energetic level is just not a job that pays (in the human reality) and so, in a world of 7 billion souls - there may only be a few million, if that, who actually DO the real work.  And most of those people are the countless volunteers who offer their energy for free (or for very low pay), to the animal shelter systems that exist. Along with many people, the economic crash nearly sank me and the SK Project and it is only through sheer determination that I've kept the project afloat these past two years. Despite the financial challenges, one or two of my several jobs of late has brought a bit of fun and excitement to 'Starkitty Central', my pet name for the beloved property that houses the participating Starkittys.

One of the projects is in fact, pretty KOOL! Recently I was asked to be RIN TIN TIN's personal photographer for The Humane Association's NYC event - 'A Special 10th Anniversary Tribute to Hero Dogs of 9/11'. And I jumped at the opportunity to give service back to yet another sentient canine soul - doing HUGE work on behalf of humanity. My telepathic communication research of 20+ years falls right in line with the cats, dogs and horses who have made concentrated soul agreements to work with humanity in effort to help assist their evolving consiousness. How could the Starkittys not join up with Rin Tin Tin? After all, half my incarnating cats are either dolphin or dog spirits inhabiting feline bodies. The hows and whys will be explained in my upcoming book. For now I'll just state that a many dogs hail from Sirius B, to which I have learned, I have great affinity with - even though I work mainly with felines. Dog mission spirits bring to the planet demonstrated 'unconditional love' for humanity - to show humanity how to behave to the very level that they demonstrate. Humans though, are alittle slow. They understand that their dogs make them feel great inside - and they'll smother themselves in a dogs love. What they haven't managed to grasp is that dogs are teachers and are actively demonstrating how all humans are supposed to act toward eachother! Because if we did that to one another - our world reality would be VERY DIFFERENT! As we all can see from world events - humans have alot more learning to do! My head Starkitty, Pal, whom now communicates from the ethers was actually a dog spirit in feline form. It was his relayed information that woke me up as to how all spirit beings come to choose their forms. 
Anyway, on Wednesday, September 7th, the original Rin Tin Tin (12th decendant) will kick off the closing bell of the NYC Stock Exchange. Flying in with his handler from Minnesota, Rin Tin Tin will then be interviewed at CBS who has decided to do a two hour documentary on the fascinating history of the Rin Tin Tin movie star lineage. The Rin Tin Tin movies ironically helped save Warner Brothers from bankruptsy. Rin Tin Tin's story itself, is utterly fascinating. Saved as a pup from the rubble of WWI, his rise to become a huge movie star is a testament to a lineage of dogs who have faithfully carried out the Rin Tin Tin legacy. The Hallmark Channel has already slated in Betty White, Ewan McGregor and Whoopi Goldberg for a Dog Hero Contest Show.

On Thursday, September 8,  Rin Tin Tin will mingle at NYC's Tilden Mansion in association with The National Arts Club, with Whoopi Goldberg, Victoria Stilwell of Animal Planet's 'It's Me or the Dog', and Daniel Rodriquez, the singing NYPD policeman.

Kinda NEATO huh? Stay tuned for news... after the events.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Channeling Pandora

I tapped in with Pandora briefly to see where she was in the Universe of late. She's far out, beyond galaxies. I had many questions for her after her passing. I'd not gotten as much in the way of dream state or Psy visitations as I have with others who have crossed, which is ironic for when she was here with me, she'd appear as raven or eagle or other forms other than the cat form she was actually in. Because her departure was so unexpected and I was left with an uncomfortable tinge of non-closure in my heart, I had especially wanted to connect with her after departure. But nothing seemed to be coming all. I have had experiences before where my efforts are somehow thwarted and being a hard-head, usually once I set my mind to something, I can be relentless in my pursuit of an idea. Though that's not the way of the guru always, it is how I seem to function when I want something bad enough. I'm simply insatiable until I feel answered in some way. So I called upon Sweet Pea and Pal and a colleague for assistance. My channeler friend, whom I've worked with in ancient Egypt, is much further along in fluent telepathic abilities than I and due to our long, long history together - there is a very easy exchange with myself and all non-physical Starkittys - including the ones I can't seem to reach on my own. Pandora states that she is in a dimension that is very harmonious, where everyone existent is in sync.
Chakras-Octaves-Primary Colors
Once out of her body, she put out the call to have an experience that she had never had before. She instantaneously arrived at this distant vibrational location and took the form of a three dimensional upright being with a body that has more space between electrons - therefore she is somewhat see through or opaque. She said it's difficult to describe in 3D terms, (which is all we know here on planet Earth), what it is like there as the location where she is, is not of the same signature as our galaxy. In our Galaxy, we have light splintered into seven rays and everything is a reflection of that - the musical scale, primary colors, numbers etc. In her signature location - it is very different. He/she is not relevant she said when I asked whether she'd remained female. (It's funny how we hold in our minds what we knew them to be - and wish to carry that on for them. I just thought she'd naturally choose to remain a 'she'). So I'll continue to refer to her as she for least until I process the idea of Pandora as an 'it'. The dimension she is in, she says is related to a very different kind of planetary system. She says it is not polarized so harshly like it is here. I asked her if she could make an effort to come to me in dream state so I could perceive her in her new form and if after she'd left - because she was so far - was it difficult to transmit back to me? She stated that in her reality and in many others closer to her - there is no such thing as separation. It is an instantaneous thing.

She can be here, there or anywhere she wants to be. She chooses to be there now simply for the experience she is having. She says that Earth is in a location that is far and denser and therefore the illusion of separation is so thick that it is an actual reality. She says that separatist thinking of those of Earth (humans) is a rarer thing in the Universe and what she experiences is more the common theme. She says many other galaxies function with unity consciousness than not. She said that where she is - it is very peaceful and lovely there. What a lovely thought.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Note From Viva

It's been awhile since I've given overview to the occasional blog updates regarding all the felines posted here. Though the local work is steeped in feline healing work, the project has itself, has been expanded globally to several other participating species for quite a few years now. However, the physical 3D life, at least for the past few years has kept me knee-deep in feline healing, for the human economic crisis has had it's tragic effects on the pet industry. As a result of the times, I was unprepared for the onslaught of neighborhood felines who'd been just dumped suddenly and left to die. All the ones that made it to the Starkitty location were psychically re-calibrated and physically healed and are all additional participants of the Starkitty Project, which is an ongoing, privately funded long term interspecies communication, meta-healing & Psy research endeavor. It began in 1992 with two felines and became a formal research project in 2002, when five other felines joined the two. Immediately after their arrival, the project took a momentum of it's own and exploded into a worldwide attraction which drew many other species, entities and star-beings to the project; all whom have taken interest in the further manifestation of this venture. Psy communication with all continues and thus, the varying species continue to bring forth information about our cosmological make up and connectedness with our perceived and known Universe. What seemed a minor personal quest to understand the consiousness, dreams and mission of my two feline companion pets decades ago sparked an exploratory journey into the origins, planetary endeavors, contributions and achievements of a collective of collaborating species - all whom have a contract with Mother Earth here at this time. On the surface and to most people who meet me, who know of my love for felines, it generally registers as just a blip in their minds ' Oh yeah, she loves cats'. For one who has spent over 30 years dedicated to inter-species communication research, meditation practice, cosmology research and telepathic-Psy communication...I've only come to learn through all that research, that psychic gifting and it's functioning in the human body system in not only a heritage that belongs to all of us, but it is the very foundation of our physical living reality. This blog is merely a touchstone of the greater reality that exists alongside of humanity at this time. It is designed as an 'initiating spark' with a few offered 'seeds', delivered to the masses on a level at which many can easily integrate these stories into daily living reality. Within one of those seeds offered, is the energy of compassion on the celestial angelic level; a highly misunderstood quality of our living reality. That energy is huge, though mainly unacknowledged by humanity at this time. But when humans access it and utilize it, it sends cosmic signatures of greater consciousness throughout the planet that others can tap in to and then use. My role is as participating human scribe for the voices of our co-habiting species, their guides and associated links to the non-physical world reality. This work is led by them and by my continuous desire to learn more from them. The stories and rescued kitties on this blog are a standing testament to the mainly unacknowledged living reality of other species, which co-exists alongside of us in each and every neighborhood in the world. Anyone can lock into and 'feel' for a neglected kitty in need. The greater challenge is to integrate into full human consiousness, the divine living rights and contributions of all other species. For each species carries a life vibe signature and special code that holds the design of our living reality on Earth in physicality. When each human being becomes aware of who one is as 'soul of light and sound', is when world circumstances in human reality begins to change. The Starkitty Project is a collective effort of several species, entities and humans who are all endeavoring to manifest into human consciousness, not only a greater understanding of our origin from light and sound, but also understandings of the link between our 'non-physical' and physical body parts. It also touches on our ever expanding sensory organ abilities, which enables some at this time to hear, see and feel into our counterpart existence: the invisible, spirit-u-all realities. This blog is in part, a small slice of my everyday interaction with those who are drawn to the Starkitty light portal that has been birthed and established. Like a stranded tree on a beach this Psy communicative effort stands alone in it's unusual manner for manifesting a more balanced co-creative living reality between all species on planet Earth. For harmonious and telepathic-based co-creation on planet Earth between species is not the same thing as co-habitation, or human orchestrated dominance over other species. It is the only project of it's kind in the world and is the original prototype for future work in the area of setting into 3D reality, a fully functioning, co-creative human-other-species consciousness. And it is with deep gratitude and a great sense of humor that I continue on in this work, for in the end, no one may see the value of it except me. Chuckle.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ANOTHER Lesson of Love...

It was Bosco who found Charlie and Sebastian who helped to save his life. Had I not let Bosco out that one morning I would have never known that a crippled kitty was strangling slowly to death via his collar, which had become caught under one arm, right under my porch. This kitty had managed to crawl into Pandora's old hut and immediately cued to Bosco's sudden growl and stance, I crawled partially under to see that yet another feline in great need had arrived. Charlie's story is AMAZING for many reasons. It was one helluva project pulling this one out from under the porch. A few years earlier I'd placed a few huts under there for Pandora and her buddy Mr. B, to shelter them from winter at a time before I could get them onboard the 'Starship'. But by now and several years later, the myrtle and dirt had pushed up and I literally had to get a shovel and pull patio blocks up in order to get this little 'bin kitty' out. Luckily I have a large nylon cat shelter, in which I was able to place the bin in once I extracted it. The kitty ultimately crawled out, hissing and ferocious, but very seriously in trouble too. It was clear that he was having breathing problems. He had belonged to someone at some point, evident from the collars now strangling him. Here's where a little kitty whispering comes into play. Most people don't know this but animals in distress, no matter how bad the situation - can fully understand when help is at hand. But the trick is to help them on their time and unfortunately, most humans do not harbor the compassion and patience to work with animal consciousness in an altered state and time that often directly opposes 'human time'. IN FELINE TIME that was allowed to him, this ferocious kicking and spitting spirit being allowed me to actually place my hands on him and I was able to cut the collars off. I warn that NO ONE ELSE attempt to do this kind of hands-on work, as this is an advanced Psy communicative manner to work with animals & wildlife that very few humans at this time are adept at practicing. Instinct told me to keep him sheltered for a few hours while I went off to work. I wanted to be sure the collar had not done too much damage. I went to work hoping I could release him later on. That was not to be. I found later that this cat was completely unable to stand. It's always a dilemma when a cat in serious need comes along. My vet, a very special woman who understands the nature of my work in animal consciousness, was not immediately available. I was able to give him some remaining pain meds, left over from Pandora's surgery, and while Charlie was resting and I was waiting for my Vet, I and a colleague channeled with him. Unfortunately, the drugs had made him drowsy, so we could get very little info at first. His name is Charlie and this is his story: Charlie had been dumped very close to my home a week prior. When he was dumped the collar was ok. But one of the reasons he was dumped was because he could no longer walk. He'd been dealing with a weakening body system for quite some time. His owner, we surmised for the time being, was an older woman who could not care for him properly. He was not neutered. He had broken teeth. I knew the owner was female by the type collars that were on him. I cannot grasp how ANYONE who could love a pet, could just dump them to die on their own, alone and in such a crippled state. Why not euthanize if that's the case? Leaving him to die in agony on a street corner is to my mind, unfathomable. But that's just MY opinion. Because Charlie could barely walk, stumbling about, he'd managed to slip one of his legs through one of the collar where it got stuck. Struggling to even move, Charlie came across Sebastian, another neighborhood stray who had frequented the Starkitty property on and off in the last 2 years. Sebastion actually has people apparently, but the people leave him out all the time and don't feed him very well. So he wanders the neighborhood. Last year, Sebastian and Tiger had helped two starving feline Mama's and their kittens to my property the dead of a huge snowstorm last winter. And so Sebastian helped lead the crawling and stumbling Charlie to the hut, for safety. Charlie was in great pain and was embarrassed by the fact that he could not keep himself clean, as he could not use a litter box. Crippled, starving and sick, he also had a bad case of diarrhea. Charlie stated he had been in a great deal of pain, not only from the vice grip around his belly, and his neurological problems, but he was in pain due to starvation too and was very grateful for the meds, which took the edge off the pain. At first he wanted to hurry up and die because his dignity had been so shattered and his body was so broken. Part of the Starkitty Research is to listen to the animals and co-create with them - a living reality - engaging their full desires and cooperation in the process. And if Charlie wanted to go back to spirit world, then I would help him - but it would be in a way that honors and heals him as he goes. But on the other hand, Charlie ate 3 meals a day like a voracious horse and the food actually drove him to stand and actually exercise his wobbly legs. Using holistic means, I managed to corral his diarrhea temporarily and continuously managed him around the clock. But it was soon evident that Charlie's problems would require a long term solution; one which I did not have. After channeling with him a second time, we prepared him for a wonderful send off to the light - as my life-long history of performing crossovers is well known on both sides of living reality. The night before his planned departure at my vets office, Charlie and I sat by candlelight and called in all the crossing guides. But the next day, a miracle occurred in the split second that Charlie was revealed to my vet. She asked if she could 'try'. Dumbfounded, and knowing how overwhelmed she is in her own practice, I looked at Charlie and he gave me a nod. We bathed him, and settled him into a cage where he could watch Ellen work. I leaned into the cage to say goodby and this ferocious, growling being I'd known for two weeks, suddenly snuggled up to my hand and allowed me to scrunch his neck fur - as if we'd been buddies forever. And I knew his thanks was at hand for enabling him to try too, with Ellen. Charlie states in a most recent channeling that he instantly changed his mind as soon as he saw her and suddenly wanted to stay. Her energy was right, the smells in the location were ok, and he'd read her heart instantly. He called her ferocious lioness and he wanted to be with this lioness-healer woman. From his most awful 2 weeks of being utterly abandoned by one human being who left him to die awfully on the streets to suddenly feeling greatly needed Charlie's life was radically changed. Both fell instantly in love with one another and Charlie it ends up - is in the BEST place a crippled kitty could land; in a vet's office under a vet's special love and with full access to the best medicine money can buy. The efforts to alter the living reality of one spirit being named Charlie took many. Humans need to understand that the random and thoughtless actions of one, take many, many others to balance, correct & heal. True to the Starkitty Project planetary work at hand, this was a full-on inter-species cooperation. Bosco and Sebastian got him safetly to me. My sister ran to get him more meds and intermittently channeled too. I did the basic initial life-saving care, a colleague and I channeled with him further, and I called just the right person for him. And Ellen, my vet saved his life in yet another way. Charlie is now a Starkitty, actively participating in the Starkitty Project and working with the Starkitty vet. He says he does not know how long his body can hold, but he has been given a new sense of purpose and each and every day he lives to be with his new love, Ellen.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Along Comes Bosco...

Winter 2011 might be actually be worse than 2010, the year that just about leveled me in every way. Struggling with a troupe of Starkittys on board already, last year an entire troup of 7 kitties showed up at my doorstep in the dead of a winter snowstorm. I was able to take in five of them and one of them ended up being very pregnant, which made the count, nine total. I've been so deep in cat management that I haven't even had a chance to sit and write about that entire crew. Suffice to say, I'll have to backtrack when I've alittle time. But right now Bosco is of pressing importance, not because he is in need but because in the last 2 weeks, two new cats arrived. Bosco is ACTUALLY fully healed, shotted, neutered and READY FOR ADOPTION! Bosco is part of the story of the new ones though, for he discovered one of them tucked in Pandora's old winter bin under the porch. Pandora and Mr. B passed away not but a few weeks ago and it's been raining like the dickens. With two jobs I hadn't had time to get under there to clear the area of cat huts. I'd decided that after Pandora and Mr. B left, I would close off all doors energetically and physically to more cats raining in on the Starkitty compound. The healing center is CLOSED. After nearly 10 years of spearheading a pioneer interspecies communication animal rescue I am exhausted and need a rest. This idea of closure was not to be, just yet however. Overcrowded, I decided to try and let Bosco out as a TNR. With adoptions at a crawl, I have simply no room left and letting him roam again, though not ideal is simply a must at this point. After all, this cat does NOT BELONG TO ME! But in his first few minutes out Bosco beelined for the hut under the porch and went into stalk mode and as I got in my car to go to work, I immediately snatched him up and put him back under lockdown. Under the porch I discovered a very sick kitty strangling on a collar he'd managed to squeeze his arm through. More on him on the next blog. Anyway, this latest emergency has forced me to keep Bosco on the porch for safety issues. BOSCO IS UP FOR ADOPTION. I REPEAT! HE'S UP FOR ADOPTION! Bosco's Story: Bosco began frequenting my porch in the mddle of the night this past winter. As I'd collected up all food last year since Pandora and Mr. B. were now indoors, there was not a remnant of kitty food available. Very shortly however and after the few midnight sightings, Bosco literally came to my back porch door and refused to leave. In fact, Bosco talked and sat and talked and sat and talked. On closer inspection, I saw that his entire neck had been ripped to shreds. In a month I was able to get his wound to seal over and begin to heal using holistic remedies. Then Bosco did it again, he fought and this second time half his cheek was ripped off. Whomever he was fighting with was quite vicious. Bosco was not neutered but certainly had been domesticated at one point. He's very friendly. I was able to channel with him briefly. He named himself and said he was from the local area but his people didn't really care about him. Certainly whomever 'owned' the cat had not noticed the gaping wound to his neck and cheek? They never neutered him either. And apparently, they weren't feeding him in the dead of winter either. As Bosco stated, 'they didn't care and it was what it was". He was dirty, very thin and it took two months to fatten him to a respectable level. Miraculously, Bosco tested negative for FIV and FeLV. Today, he's healthy as a horse and of course, such a super cat that he really needs people & a home he can call his own. He's about 2 yrs, maybe. If anyone is ready to love this little guy, he is like a dog. He'll follow you absolutely everywhere. He's a guy who wants to be IN your life, not just a token. Those who are interested - contact me at my website He's incredibly handsome and just in case Bosco isn't the perfect personality fit, I've still got Vea on board, who's almost a duplicate of Bosco looks-wise but with a very different personality. Bosco wants to settle down. He wants out of the fighting and wants to work with his humans on a more conscious level. He wants humans who will actually have a 'relationship' with him. He doesn't mind coming in off the streets if he can live in a home where the people acknowledge him for who he is... and for his contributions to their family. The work he is to do with his new humans, is important he says.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Blessed Friend Follows

She knew it was high risk as we'd discussed it many times before we attempted the surgery. The journey with Pandora while she was in form was a fascinating shift from what we all believe to be 'feral cat'. And the big debate of the last year was - as a full DNA level feral, did she want to stay indoors with the Starkitty family? (she'd developed an aggressive cancer in her leg) Did she want me to try to give her more time in this body? I was in constant touch with her on this and the answer when always asked about this was - yes. There was always more to learn, she stated. She knew the risk of surgery was high, but she was not ready to leave yet. And I was not ready for her to leave either. And so on Wednesday the 13th and with high hopes, our vet attempted to give her some extra time via surgery. It was not to be. Pandora took her last breaths in my arms at 9pm that night, unable to survive the challenge of the procedure. I must admit - I was taken off guard. Despite the challenge at hand, I was confident she'd survive. And of course, human arrogance is always challenged by spirit world. Pandora may have been about 9 or 10 years, an age that was guessed on when she delivered to my door, my reincarnated squirrel friend Scooter, approximately 7.5 years ago. Scooter was taking on his first attempt in feline form, after having developed a relationship with Pal as squirrel many years ago. He'd died of a congenital spine defect, which was what brought him to live with us in the first place. In striking up a friendship with Pal, that included telepathic exchange, Scooter chose a feline form as his next body.Pandora having wild DNA, was the perfect choice for him to be birthed through. As a local feral, she delivered him and his brother to my doorstep as kittens and both now live with me. So Pandora was too on board finally and living with her sons, whom she saw occasionally when they were to visit her on the porch where she lived. Pandora, also part of the Starkitty Project had communicated with me throughout her life. I was to learn that she was a shapeshifter and enjoyed exercising her abilities immensely when she was outdoors catching her prey. She came to my third eye several times but the first time was a surprise because she came in Eagle form. It was then that I learned that she had been raven and other wild animal forms and had for centuries, worked with human light workers on the planet as a shaman/shapeshifter. Her story blows the doors off the term feral. Because she was so much more than that, Pandora's story will also have it's place in the Starkitty book. I've asked her sons to maintain a telepathic link with her, as I recognized many years ago that Scooter was very attached to her and could call her in from the wild when I requested he do so. And we are tuning in to her next week - now that she is in spirit world, so we may learn more details of her experience in crossing over. There is still so much to learn from her and from the spiritual-telepathic links that each feline has to one another. Image to the right: Scooter now in his feline form. Middle image: Pal and Scooter in squirrel form. Top Image: Pandora.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Crossing of Another Dear Friend

You can look right into those eyes and just know that Mr. B was 'old soul'. He crossed unexpectedly early Monday morning, the 28th. The night before as I groomed him, there was not the slightest hint he was to exit. I was stunned to find him the next morning, lifeless and yet lying peacefully as if he were sound sleep. Except that Mr. B was never sound asleep when I came to feed him. He was always eagerly waiting to greet me everytime I opened the door. Mr. B lived on my porch and over the many years he was with me, he'd managed to live in many rooms in my home. Mr. B was FIV positive and this condition forced a separation from other felines, as others who were potential adoptives needed to stay apart. But Mr. B was given jobs to do. One of his last jobs was in caring for Pandora, who is challenged with a difficult type of cancer. It was a perfect job for him and he did it very well. He loved her. His life had great purpose and he was very deeply loved. Grief stricken upon the shock of finding him I was able to reach a telepathic-gifted friend and she translated what had happened. I was to find that his sudden departure was as much a surprise to him as it was to me. As heart attacks usually happen for felines, it was but a moment or two before he was out of his body. There was no time to call for help. He described a sharp pain, falling over and being suddenly out of body. He said that he'd stayed by his body but it got colder and colder and Pal, my guardian and now ethereal feline, came and told him he HAD to go to the light. Floating above his lifeless body, he was able to say his goodby's to his friend Pandora and he then left for the light. It's been a wrenching few days of deep grief for me, as much as it would be for any pet owner who's 'lost one'. The loss of this dear friend however was more than that, for Mr. B had also been an active 3D participant in the Starkitty Interspecies Communication & Psy Tracking Project. His life, his spiritual purpose, his origin and star lineage, as well as his life here on planet Earth has therefore, been traced and recorded. "B" stood for BEAUTIFUL, which was his real name. Mr. B was his nickname. What appeared as an ordinary cat was, underneath the furry form - an angel who'd come to serve humanity. Mr. B's story, his contributions and message to humanity will be published, for what he did while in this life is truly remarkable. Recently, form the other side he stated that he met up with Pandora when she arrived. She moved on to the great white light but Mr. B remains very close, just on the other side so that he can assist Pal and continue to watch over the Starkitty's and traveling strays of the neighborhood. We will continue to communicate with Mr. B, as we have many other Starkitty's who have had to leave their bodies. For the time being though, I grieve deeply for the 'Beautiful' Mr. B whom I'd come to know in this feline form.