Welcome to a unique journey through the field of meta-physical research. This is my personal log for those who desire to witness the process of human evolution thru the eyes of one very inquisitive minded soul. I invite those so impulsed to add their wisdom as I continue to explore. ay we collectively re-create an ecologically fair and vibrationally sound planetary realm for all who inhabit it.'
SO WHO WANTS TO KNOW? I've spent most of my life compelled by an unknown force within, to seek that which lies beyond normal boundaries of societally perceived 'human reality'. There are many others like me and yet on a planet of over 7 billion individuated souls, relatively speaking, we meta-seekers actually add up to an insignificant number of 'very few'. Hmmmmm. Why's that, I've often pondered? It's taken me years to mentally grasp with certain wholeness, the 'concept of perfection' of the Universe, which gives equal validity to those who don't care about the planet and don't desire to know more about our 'evolvement process'. Now that I think I've got a loose handle on it all, I am no longer distracted by dualistic ideas regarding this mixed bag of consciousness called 'Humanity'. I'm pretty accepting of the fact that only a few people like me NEED to know in order to be happy. Out of 7 billion presently active souls, only a mere few million have any desire to understand the path of evolving human consciousness. The rest, simply play happily with what is physically at hand and presently before them. Over the years of deep research in all things meta-physical, I've come to accept that this is really OK. I do what I do and everyone else does what they do and somehow our world is how it is, in the present moment. We all get to witness what it is reflecting back to us and voice opinion as to how it directly affects us. Somehow in the midst, we all evolve. Through the exploration of meta-science, dedicated human researchers have actually broken some of the code of the 'Great Mystery' ...and WOW, do we humans have a great history and even greater connection to 'all that exists' than we realize! For those of us who have stood on the edge of Epistemological pursuits peering into infinity, a profound joy of the discovery of our innate power as co-creative beings, permeates the heart. I explore metaphysical reality because it is an indominatable resource of HOPE for all human souls who face any kind of personal adversity of any type or situational condition that causes one to experience or endure suffering and PAIN. I've spent nearly 25+ years scientifically and experientially seeking all that spoke to me from the ethereal and mystical planes of our existence. It was a journey that began in childhood via psychic related experiences that grew stronger and stronger all through adulthood. Presently, there are many young souls out there who are also psychically enhanced, more so than their parents or older generations. Many of them are so ethereally sensitive, that they must daily endeavor to process a consistent and extreme overload of emotional feelings that waft through their bodies, with no coaching from the elders as to how to manage these incoming energies, or decipher where they are all coming in from. Most present day educative systems completely dismiss our psychic heritage and the ones that are beginning to teach it are not logistically set in place enough globally for all of the masses to simultaneously benefit. While in the past 20 years, fantastic New Thought Institutions and schools have emerged, many of these facilities remain too far apart locationally for enough people to get the education they need. Those lucky enough to attend will be the new leaders of our societies one day for they are learning about our organic heritage and our natural bio-energetic roots to planet Earth. They are learning to harness the innate psychic talent each of us posseses by understanding how to conceptually manage the divine heritage of 'being a bio-energetic light-based human'. Yes, it can tend to sound very hocus pocus like at first, but that simply indicates that 'not enough building block' information has been set in place to help people make the mental and conceptual connections they need to make individually, in order for some of this stuff to make logical sense to them and their daily reality. The process is unfolding, but it goes slow. The rest of the education falls to the individual soul. This is where each of us can do a small part in sharing the knowledge that is slowly rising into mass consciousness. It can't be contained by any one institution, nor can it be owned by any ONE because it is information that belongs to each one of us. My work may be small and insignificant in terms of what most people focus on these days, but that's ok. Each human has a piece of the puzzle. I'm confident the other pieces will lock into place when the time is right. For now, I simply continue to explore and share.
For more education and resources, be sure to tap our sister sites, http://www.starkittys.com/ and http://www.bluechakra.com/