On Sunday Sept 21, Pal was released back to his place of origin. His work on this planet while in physical feline form will be brought forth soon as a scribed version of telepathic channelings he gave, over the span of his lifetime. In a time almost two decades ago, when most people concerned themselves with careers, fancy cars, big houses, bling clothing and monetary success, Pal, his sister Sweet Pea and a group of psychic gifted researchers from across the country plodded quietly along, bringing forth advanced metaphysical information that would be slowly disseminated in the future decades. This information will help return us to our organic and planetary roots, as we begin to witness the physical fallout of our separatist human thinking. Such falls we witness will be in government via human corruption, in falling institutions where money was once thought to be the almighty power and where Earth changes such as more storms, tsunamis and quakes will cause breaks in the human chain of behavioral ignorance. All of what we were taught by other humans about life will shift as we begin to see the devastating effects of what generations and generations of humanity's lost spiritual knowledge can do to a whole environment. All along our behaviors have excluded the spiritual, energetic and physical value of the plant and animal kingdoms. While we pillaged our forests and raided Earth of her natural resources, we endeavored unconsciously to shift our planetary environment to a detrimental level. This separatist behavior has included directly injuring many species that came to assist Earth in her physical stability. In our non-understanding of our connectedness to the whole, we have collectively caused a symptom whereas all of our creations now mirror back to us our distorted ways of thinking. With humanity's consciousness now at a huge turning point, many millions of people across the globe are scambling to learn about their esoteric heritage. This includes the movement to learn about meditation, yoga, Earth healing foods and herbs and includes the seeking of 'soul borne knowledge'; a form of wisdom that cannot be distorted by other humans because it comes from source directly into the individuated physical body. Each human soul on the planet carries the ability to channel the energies of their bodies in positive and harmonious ways - or in negative and chaotic ways. As more and more human creations begin to fall apart, individuated people and small communities will begin to endeavor to change their ideas about what it is to truly 'live'. They will share more with one another and will collectively learn that 'separatist thinking' can only create broken physical structures that are destined by their very foundation - to eventually fall apart. Pal's work and the work of the Starkitty Project was been a venture of love. It is a series of messages from the animals to the humans that hopefully will break apart many misconceptions as to who the animals are, or how they play a significant role in keeping 'conscious integrity' fluidly moving. Pal and Sweet Pea were the founders of The Starkitty Project. But their work expanded across the globe as far as Hawaii, and outward to many other participating species. In the course of their lives, many species joined in the project's mission. That mission is to enlighten humankind to its true organic, galactic heritage. Ongoing telepathic channeling will occur, though Pal and Sweet Pea have become formless again. For part of the Starkitty mission is to track the incredible journey from formlessness to physicality to formlessness again, so that we may have a clearer grasp of who we are as souls first, and humans second. The loss of Pal as a physically incarnate feline friend was great. But we look forward to hearing from him, as he can now deliver continuing wisdom and information from a much more expansive place. Bless you Pal and Sweet Pea - your work carries on in the legacy of remaining Starkittys, who have all experienced your direct teachings and wisdom.
http://www.bluechakra.com/ is the support vessel for a pioneer venture, The Starkitty Interspecies Communication Research & Rescue Project (The Starkitty Project). Our book 'Channeling the Wisdom of Earth's Other Species' chronicles the events that unfolded when I began to 'telepathically channel' my two cats for metaphysical information starting in 1992. In the course of the first few years, more than 50 animals arrived to 'be heard' when a telepathic portal was created for purposes of establishing meta scientific, psychic retrieval research of evolving animal consciousness. What was not predicted at the time was the physical arrival of so many varying species once the project began. Very quickly the Starkitty Project also became a 'rescue haven' for many abandoned, pregnant and injured animals who telepathically tapped into the 'communicational exchange' that was taking place. Your support of our products and services helps me to manage the enormous costs associated with Starkitty rescues. My research though originally focused on felines; now includes raccoons, squirrels, birds, dolphins, mantas, sea turtles, elephants, wolves, foxes and continues to expand across the globe as we continue to communicate with the varying species. Follow our dream of hearing the animals and learn what their true purpose 'on planet' really is. Their answers will astound you. Their dreams, thoughts and feelings will awaken you to the intimate spiritual connection we all have to them. Their wisdom offers intriguing insights about our greater purpose as evolving souls, if we but dare to listen. If you ever wanted to know more than you were taught or if you desire to learn more about your soul's purpose, join us and follow the amazing educative journey the animals are leading us on. Things we believed in the past are now falling way to a new paradigm of thinking. Learn why meditation, yoga and the organic, alternative healing industry has become primary focus during these times. I think you'll be awed by what the other species have to say about our presence and purpose on planet Earth.