She knew it was high risk as we'd discussed it many times before we attempted the surgery. The journey with Pandora while she was in form was a fascinating shift from what we all believe to be 'feral cat'. And the big debate of the last year was - as a full DNA level feral, did she want to stay indoors with the Starkitty family? (she'd developed an aggressive cancer in her leg) Did she want me to try to give her more time in this body? I was in constant touch with her on this and the answer when always asked about this was - yes. There was always more to learn, she stated. She knew the risk of surgery was high, but she was not ready to leave yet. And I was not ready for her to leave either. And so on Wednesday the 13th and with high hopes, our vet attempted to give her some extra time via surgery. It was not to be. Pandora took her last breaths in my arms at 9pm that night, unable to survive the challenge of the procedure. I must admit - I was taken off guard. Despite the challenge at hand, I was confident she'd survive. And of course, human arrogance is always challenged by spirit world. Pandora may have been about 9 or 10 years, an age that was guessed on when she delivered to my door, my reincarnated squirrel friend Scooter, approximately 7.5 years ago. Scooter was taking on his first attempt in feline form, after having developed a relationship with Pal as squirrel many years ago. He'd died of a congenital spine defect, which was what brought him to live with us in the first place. In striking up a friendship with Pal, that included telepathic exchange, Scooter chose a feline form as his next body.Pandora having wild DNA, was the perfect choice for him to be birthed through. As a local feral, she d
elivered him and his brother to my doorstep as kittens and both now live with me. So Pandora was too on board finally and living with her sons, whom she saw occasionally when they were to visit her on the porch where she lived. Pandora, also part of the Starkitty Project had communicated with me throughout her life. I was to learn that she was a shapeshifter and enjoyed exercising her abilities immensely when she was outdoors catching her prey. She came to my third eye several times but the first time was a surprise because she came in Eagle form. It was then that I learned that she had been raven and other wild animal forms and had for centuries, worked with human light workers on the planet as a shaman/shapeshifter. Her story blows the doors off the term feral. Because she was so much more than that, Pandora's story will also have it's place in the Starkitty book. I've asked her sons to maintain a telepathic link with her, as I recognized many years a
go that Scooter was very attached to her and could call her in from the wild when I requested he do so. And we are tuning in to her next week - now that she is in spirit world, so we may learn more details of her experience in crossing over. There is still so much to learn from her and from the spiritual-telepathic links that each feline has to one another. Image to the right: Scooter now in his feline form. Middle image: Pal and Scooter in squirrel form. Top Image: Pandora.