Monday, March 19, 2012

Elvis Has Arrived!

March 2012 Update on Charlie:
Last year two neighborhood Starkittys with whom I'd been occassionally telepathically checking in with, found and helped crippled Charlie to a kitty hut beneath my doorstep. (See his unbelievable arrival story below). My vet Dr. Ellen chose not to euthanize this severely crippled kitty - but to try and save his life. Long story short, Charlie and Dr. Ellen fell in love with each other and despite his severe neurological condition, he has become the king of her veterinary castle and now assists her in some very important ways!

Renamed Elvis for his very wiggly walk, he has well earned his kingship and is busy with the job of GREETER and HEALER KITTY in a very unique veterinarian practice. Elvis helps scared kittys and dogs to calm down, greets clients and has aligned his mission with Dr. Ellen - to help as many animals as possible while he is here.
It has been almost a year now since I'd left him with Dr. Ellen. Though I normally make visits to the vets more often, this year proved to be additionally challenging when my own health failed and I had to spend many months testing for organ failure in my own body. This visit, with four Starkittys in tow - all of whom hollered the whole hour ride to the vets, was alittle stressful to say the least. So it was  an incredibly heartwarming feeling to walk in and see Elvis camping out on his kings pillow on the floor, rolling about with joy and perfectly content in his 'home' domain.
The work Dr. Ellen has done on his physical body has made a stunning difference to his appearance as he is now at a normal and healthy weight - with a miraculous coat to boot. His tongue still hangs out due to many missing teeth and Elvis will never regain a steady gait again, but he has the best care a cat could have and more importantly, he has been given a real important job which helps him to fulfill his mission here on Earth. And it is stone cold clear, without even having to channel him for his thoughts - that he has been fully restored of the psychological wounding that came from the hands of a prior owner.

One of the things I have learned most from channeling animal kingdom all these years is the tremendous sacrifice that many pets have chosen to make - as spirit beings that is,  before they enter into the physical domain. They take incredible risks of failing in their missions, by allowing themselves to take the chance of living by the hands of unawakened humans. Hundreds of thousands are abused, beaten, starved and left to die as Charlie-now-Elvis the King was and very rarely does a fairy tale ending like Elvis's happen. That's why my heart is just a budding flower right now at the thought of him in his very important mission - because I know he has been restored to 100% capacity as a spirit being - even though his ravished body will always bear the injury of old wounds. This is the work of the Starkittys - to help spirit beings in animal form to fulfill their dreams for the planet. Most humans can't comprehend the significant value of this idea yet. But thankfully, there are a few million animal lovers, and animal rescue 'humans' who do get it, even if only on a subliminal level. And collectively, they are working to create balance amidst so many of humanity's imbalanced behaviors. Elvis's story is a miracle. And today, an animal healer and her helper feline - helped heal a few of my Starkittys today. How wonderful is that?