The Economy & The Animals
This past year the sliding economy became clearly evident in my neighborhood, as I began to witness more and more feline strays traversing through my property. This past month alone I buried two beautiful feline beings, both of whom were hit by cars and both of whom laid down beneath my porch to die. I had channeled with one of them who called himself Sunny several months before, when I first spotted him peering at me from beyond my garage. He stated he 'sort of ' had people - but that they did not always feed him and he was constantly hungry. Sunny was an outstandingly beautiful deep orange long-haired angora and had I had the chance, I would have caught him and brought him to safety - based sheerly on his physical beauty. Overwhelmed with a crew of rescued cats already and of the few times I was able to spot him, I could only hope that he would be okay until that time came. Needless to say, he did not make it. I channeled with him after his passing and he was of course OK now that he'd been released from his injured body, which I had found and buried. But he did explain that the pain of the death was quite something and it was not an easy passing. The state in which I found his body, in which he was flipped upside down on his back - feet splayed, was a testament to the agony he must have had to endure. The other cat, whom I channeled with after passing, stated that though he had been born to humans, he had never even been given a name. He'd lived his life as a stray. In my work with the Starkittys, I have increasingly been challenged to compare my reality to that of animal reality. I find that as earnest and sincere as I am to learn more about their consciousness, I continuously find myself trapped by my own human consciousness. I flip between my reality and theirs. I try to understand the concept of living in the moment, as they do, but after two decades of attempting to do such, I still falter and flail in my attempts. I still hold emotions longer than I should. I still worry about my future. I still pain over the losses and disappointments I've endured. And I often wonder how much of my own soul is entrained in the wave of mass human mind. Though I have learned so much from these great beings, unfortunately too many of them pass too quickly in front of my eyes before they disappear back into the ether's. As a human, what can I do except help those who I can and report my metaphysical findings as I go forward? It feels many times, to be such insignificant work, compared to the activities that most humans engage in. Through the long term Starkitty adoption process, I have learned the hard way - just how many people don't care. Perhaps during these times, art of soulful compassion shall remain buried far beneath the human frenzy of trying to steal, cheat or wean other humans out of their hard earned money. My question to humanity is - when shall we all get tired enough to give up the game of elitism, and finally endeavor to balance the world through integral sharing? Money is after all, strictly a human concept. It has no reality base in Earth, plant or animal consciousness. Pictured above is Vea. Driven by car to this neighborhood and then dumped as a kitten by the side of a road, Vea lost sight of his siblings long ago. It took three years of hard work to get him to overcome his extreme fear of humans. Today, he is an incredibly smoochy cat, filled with more love than anyone could possibly imagine. Today, he rubs up against my leg. Today, there is no amount of money that can equal the swell in my heart.