The Crossing of Another Dear Friend
You can look right into those eyes and just know that Mr. B was 'old soul'. He crossed unexpectedly early Monday morning, the 28th. The night before as I groomed him, there was not the slightest hint he was to exit. I was stunned to find him the next morning, lifeless and yet lying peacefully as if he were sound sleep. Except that Mr. B was never sound asleep when I came to feed him. He was always eagerly waiting to greet me everytime I opened the door. Mr. B lived on my porch and over the many years he was with me, he'd managed to live in many rooms in my home. Mr. B was FIV positive and this condition forced a separation from other felines, as others who were potential adoptives needed to stay apart. But Mr. B was given jobs to do. One of his last jobs was in caring for Pandora, who is challenged with a difficult type of cancer. It was a perfect job f
or him and he did it very well. He loved her. His life had great purpose and he was very deeply loved. Grief stricken upon the shock of finding him I was able to reach a telepathic-gifted friend and she translated what had happened. I was to find that his sudden departure was as much a surprise to him as it was to me. As heart attacks usually happen for felines, it was but a moment or two before he was out of his body. There was no time to call for help. He described a sharp pain, falling over and being suddenly out of body. He said that he'd stayed by his body but it got colder and colder and Pal, my guardian and now ethereal feline, came and told him he HAD to go to the light. Floating above his lifeless body, he was able to say his goodby's to his friend Pandora and he then left for the light. It's been a wrenching few days of deep grief for me, as much as it would be for any pet owner who's 'lost one'. The loss of this dear friend however was more than that, for Mr.
B had also been an active 3D participant in the Starkitty Interspecies Communication & Psy Tracking Project. His life, his spiritual purpose, his origin and star lineage, as well as his life here on planet Earth has therefore, been traced and recorded. "B" stood for BEAUTIFUL, which was his real name. Mr. B was his nickname. What appeared as an ordinary cat was, underneath the furry form - an angel who'd come to serve humanity. Mr. B's story, his contributions and message to humanity will be published, for what he did while in this life is truly remarkable. Recently, form the other side he stated that he met up with Pandora when she arrived. She moved on to the great white light but Mr. B remains very close, just on the other side so that he can assist Pal and continue to watch over the Starkitty's and traveling strays of the neighborhood. We will continue to communicate with Mr. B, as we have many other Starkitty's who have had to leave their bodies. For the time being though, I grieve deeply for the 'Beautiful' Mr. B whom I'd come to know in this feline form.