Along Comes Bosco...
Winter 2011 might be actually be worse than 2010, the year that just about leveled me in every way. Struggling with a troupe of Starkittys on board already, last year an entire troup of 7 kitties showed up at my doorstep in the dead of a winter snowstorm. I was able to take in five of them and one of them ended up being very pregnant, which made the count, nine total. I've been so deep in cat management that I haven't even had a chance to sit and write about that entire crew. Suffice to say, I'll have to backtrack when I've alittle time. But right now Bosco is of pressing importance, not because he is in need but because in the last 2 weeks, two new cats arrived. Bosco is ACTUALLY fully healed, shotted, neutered and READY FOR ADOPTION! Bosco is part of the story of the new ones though, for he discovered one of them tucked in Pandora's old winter bin under the porch. Pandora and Mr. B passed away not but a few weeks ago and it's been raining like the dickens. With two jobs I hadn't had time to get under there to clear the area of cat huts. I'd decided that after Pandora and Mr. B left, I would close off all doors energetically and physically to more cats raining in on the Starkitty compound. The healing center is CLOSED. After nearly 10 years of spearheading a pioneer interspecies communication animal rescue I am exhausted and need a rest. This idea of closure was not to be, just yet however. Overcrowded, I decided to try and let Bosco out as a TNR. With adoptions at a crawl, I have simply no room left and letting him roam again, though not ideal is simply a must at this point. After all, this cat does NOT BELONG TO ME! But in his first few minutes out Bosco beelined for the hut under the porch and went into stalk mode and as I got in my car to go to work, I immediately snatched him up and put him back under lockdown. Under the porch I discovered a very sick kitty strangling on a collar he'd managed to squeeze his arm through. More on him on the next blog. Anyway, this latest emergency has forced me to keep Bosco on the porch for safety issues. BOSCO IS UP FOR ADOPTION. I REPEAT! HE'S UP FOR ADOPTION! Bosco's Story: Bosco began frequenting my porch in the mddle of the night this past winter. As I'd collected up all food last year since Pandora and Mr. B. were now indoors, there was not a remnant of kitty food available. Very shortly however and after the few midnight sightings
, Bosco literally came to my back porch door and refused to leave. In fact, Bosco talked and sat and talked and sat and talked. On closer inspection, I saw that his entire neck had been ripped to shreds. In a month I was able to get his wound to seal over and begin to heal using holistic remedies. Then Bosco did it again, he fought and this second time half his cheek was ripped off. Whomever he was fighting with was quite vicious. Bosco was not neutered but certainly had been domesticated at one point. He's very friendly. I was able to channel with him briefly. He named himself and said he was from the local area but his people didn't really care about him. Certainly whomever 'owned' the cat had not noticed the gaping wound to his neck and cheek? They never neutered him either. And apparently, they weren't feeding him in the dead of winter either. As Bosco stated, 'they didn't care and it was what it was". He was dirty, very thin and it took two months to fatten him to a respectable level. Miraculously, Bosco tested negative for FIV and FeLV. Today, he's healthy as a horse and of course, such a super cat that he really needs people & a home he can call his own. He's about 2 yrs, maybe. If anyone is ready to love this little guy, he is like a dog. He'll follow you absolutely everywhere. He's a guy who wants to be IN your life, not just a token. Those who are interested - contact me at my website He's incredibly handsome and just in case Bosco isn't the perfect personality fit, I've still got Vea on board, who's almost a duplicate of Bosco looks-wise but with a very different personality. Bosco wants to settle down. He wants out of the fighting and wants to work with his humans on a more conscious level. He wants humans who will actually have a 'relationship' with him. He doesn't mind coming in off the streets if he can live in a home where the people acknowledge him for who he is... and for his contributions to their family. The work he is to do with his new humans, is important he says.